CranioSacral Therapy and Integrative Bodywork for Mind, Body and Emotional Health

Body-Centred Therapies To Meet Your Needs

CranioSacral Therapy

A gentle treatment grounded in principles of Cranial Osteopathy. A whole body approach to healing your central nervous system and fluid dynamics. It's a well-rounded choice that helps release the root of tension and trauma in the body. Appropriate for all ages and life stages.

Manual Osteopathy

Try this complementary therapy that focuses on the interrelationship between structure and function in the body. Various techniques are incorporated into your treatment including myo-fascial release, osteoarticulation, visceral manipulation and others in order to support health and wellness.

Specialty Treatments

Crowe Wellness offers many unique and Integrative Massage and CranioSacral treatments for prenatal, infant and pediatric related conditions. We have advanced training to work with somatic traumas to support their release from the body and nervous system. Whatever your need, you'll find relief and comfort with us.

Our Offering



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Noto Sans

Bebas Neue

Great Vibes

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Release, Renewal and Resiliency from Conception and Beyond

Here at Crowe Wellness we support the release of patterns associated with overwhelming events of our lives that can be held in our body. Through CranioSacral Therapy, deep listening, and integrative bodywork therapies we support identifying nervous system states in the body and support healing within the functional range of our nervous system. We support connection, safety, and embodied awareness in order to integrate patterns that no longer serve, and offer the body-mind new pathways of healing and release. Some of these patterns occur due to stressors that occur in-utero or early on in development. Sometimes we face traumas - physical, emotional or otherwise at any stage across our life path that contribute to symptoms or less life force energy. CranioSacral and Somatic practices allow us to release what no longer serves, even without conscious memory. Through a bottom-up approach to trauma resolution, we can heal and release what the body remembers. We can feel a renewed sense of hope and resilience.

…in deep listening, we listen with the sole purpose of helping the other person feel heard and accepted.

-Thich Nat Hanh

About Us

Tuning in to the Rhythm of Your Body - What Clients Have to Say

“Carla, I cannot thank you enough for our session. Your compassionate energy, amazing talents and wisdom providing therapy is nothing short of amazing. Right now I feel “lighter”, that there is more “space” to breathe into. I feel that there is “release” not only in my back but in my head. Your words were so powerful, I could feel a “shift” all over as they resonated so deeply with my experience. I feel so much better now. Thank you so much.”

Iris L.

“Just wanted to thank you again for taking time to see little Shelby. I noticed such a difference after the session with breastfeeding - the tongue-tie clipping helped a bit, but after seeing you, it was like she was finally able to effectively feed and the pinched nipples are gone. Her weight gain is also back on track! I also found it therapeutic for me to help work through the regret and guilt of having a vacuum delivery - as if having Shelby’s tension released helped release my guilt. Thanks again.”

Candice P.

“Carla!!! I have been struggling with insomnia for a long time, made worse by chronic back pain. I slept so well and got up out of bed like 100% back to feeling totally myself. I cannot thank you enough for your skill and wisdom. I am so grateful that I was able to see you.  Before I saw you I was so stiff and in so much pain. Afterwards, I felt loose and slightly “achy” all over, but then when I woke up this morning I couldn’t believe how wonderful, relaxed and pain-free my back felt. My pain was gone! Thank you for your CranioSacral and Massage treatment.”

Jasmine S.

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